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September 18, 2024

Unlock personalized customer experiences with Quin AI’s new integration with Segment

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Personalization is no longer a luxury but a necessity to secure and retain a spot as a leading online retailer. In fact, 80% of shoppers are more likely to purchase when brands offer personalized experiences.

The takeaway is clear: Tailoring shopping experiences to individual customer preferences is critical to driving engagement and conversions.

However, achieving such personalization can be challenging, especially with data silos and privacy concerns.

That's where Quin AI's latest integration with Segment, the leading Customer Data Platform, comes into its own. It introduces a groundbreaking solution that empowers businesses to deliver real-time personalized experiences with ease and precision - all while maintaining the highest standards of data privacy.

Let's take a closer look...

The power of personalization

As we just hinted at, personalization is the cornerstone of modern marketing strategies. Not least because it leads to increased engagement, higher conversion rates, and stronger customer loyalty.

This isn't just a theory. The facts back this up:

  • 91% are more likely to shop with brands that provide relevant offers and recommendations
  • Personalized calls-to-action convert 202% better than default versions
  • 44% of customers say they'll likely become repeat buyers if they have a customized shopping experience with a company

However, despite the obvious perks, many businesses still struggle to implement effective personalization due to fragmented data and the growing demand for privacy.

Fortunately, Quin AI's integration with Segment addresses these challenges. Combining our real-time behavioral AI audiences with Segment’s rich customer data platform allows businesses to deliver tailored experiences that resonate with each and every customer - while overcoming data silos and privacy barriers, ensuring that every journey is not only personalized but also privacy-safe.

Introducing the Quin AI and Segment integration

The integration between Quin AI and Segment combines the strengths of both platforms to provide a powerful solution for marketers. Quin AI analyzes visitor behavior in real-time (across desktop, mobile, and apps) to anticipate what a website visitor will do next - whether they're likely to make a purchase, abandon their cart, look for information, use click and collect, explore more products, and more.

These audience segments are then seamlessly fed into Segment, enriching the customer data platform with audiences that can be activated across various marketing channels.

Let's explore an example scenario to better illustrate how this works:

Suppose you have a website visitor who's shown interest in a particular product category but is hesitant to purchase. Quin AI can identify this behavior and predict their likelihood of abandoning their purchase. This data is then pushed to Segment, which can trigger the sending of personalized marketing messages, such as tailored offers or reminders, across email, social media, or display ads.

The result is a more cohesive and effective marketing strategy that adapts to each customer’s journey in real-time.

Why choose our new integration?

Businesses can base each customer interaction on real-time behavioral insights. This means that marketing messages and offers aren't just relevant but delivered at the right moment, increasing their impact.

By targeting high-propensity buyers with the right offers at the right time, businesses significantly boost their conversion rates, maximizing their marketing budget's impact.

Not only that, but the integration identifies potential buyers early in their journey, enabling proactive interactions that drive sales from the get-go.

In addition to the above, here are a few other noteworthy perks:

  • Streamlined marketing: The integration makes using insights from different marketing tools easier. With predictive audiences fed directly into Segment, marketers can efficiently execute personalized campaigns across multiple channels without complex and time-consuming data processing.
  • Improved retention: Understanding customer behavior in real-time enables businesses to develop targeted strategies based on data (rather than gut feelings) to keep customers engaged and coming back. Whether that's through personalized recommendations or timely reminders, the integration helps businesses build stronger customer relationships.
  • Privacy-safe: All of Quin AI's insights are derived from active session data without the need for personal data or third-party cookies. As such, Quin AI covers all website visitors - including first-time, logged-out, and private browsers. Not only does this ensure a more representative pool of data, but it also ensures businesses can deliver personalized experiences while fully complying with data protection regulations.

Getting started

Integrating Quin AI with Segment marks a new era in personalized marketing.

By combining Quin AI’s real-time behavior prediction with Segment’s robust customer data platform, businesses can deliver highly personalized experiences that drive revenue and enhance customer loyalty.

Most importantly, this powerful solution allows for privacy-safe personalization, ensuring customer trust is always maintained.

Get in touch now to embrace the future of marketing with Quin AI and Segment. Unlock the full potential of your customer data and start delivering highly personalized experiences that drive revenue and enhance customer loyalty.

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